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![]() ![]() 123-C All Season Place, 87/208 Wireless Road, Lumpini, Bangkok-10330, Kingdom of Thailand 02-252-1230 E-mail: sec@p-g-a.org ![]() ![]() Welcome to my PGA blog The Hidden Meanings of the
First Part The five senses are seen on the chessboard which was invented to represent the main two forces in the universe; good and bad, black and white, electric and magnetic, positive and negative, etc. In this universe there are two main gurus teaching two different schools. Brihaspati is the guru for the devas or demigods and Sukracharya is the guru for the asuras or demons. Both Brihaspati and Sukracharya have compiled knowledge of different subject matters for their students according to their inclination, capacity, tendency, and nature. The main residence of Brihaspati is in Jupiter and Sukracharya in Venus. Everything in the universe is interconnected and on the chessboard the senses, the planets, and the signs represented are represented. It has been claimed that the zodiac was invented by the Egyptians or the Sumerians in the past 5,000 years when in fact the zodiac was known by Brahma from the beginning of creation beyond 5,000 years ago. When scholars find some evidence of earlier settlements they claim that they are the beginning. In fact Sukadeva Goswami mentioned the zodiac to King Pariksit for the first time in this Kali Yuga sometime in the week from 7 to 14 of July 3,072 BC as it is recorded in the Srimad Bhagavatam. Sukadeva Goswami did not invent the zodiac; he only mentioned what sages knew in previous Yugas. Below we see the chessboard related to the senses, planets and signs/houses: The chessboard has 16 white pieces and 16 black pieces confronting each other on both sides of the board. Those pieces are the pawns or the soldiers, Castles, Horses, Bishops, Queen, and King. ![]() The white pieces represent the celestial plane and the black pieces represent the terrestrial plane. The White pieces From left to right we see on the board eight signs of the zodiac from Aries (Ar) to Scorpio Sc). Notice in blue letters above it the chess pieces how five planets represent those 8 signs. Mars (Ma) represents or is the ruler of Aries (Ar) and Scorpio (Sc), or the Towers. Venus (Ve) represents or is the ruler of Taurus (Ta) and Libra (Li), or the Horses. Mercury (Me) represents or is the ruler of Gemini (Ge) and Virgo (Vi), or the Bishops. The Moon (Mo) represents or is the ruler of Cancer (Cn), or the white Queen. The Sun (Su) represents or is the ruler of Leo (Le), or the white King. The Black pieces From left to right we see on the board eight signs of the zodiac from Libra (Li) to Taurus (Ta) which are the opposite signs to the ones seen above like in a mirror . Notice in red letters underneath that row how five planets represent those 8 signs. Venus (Ve) represents or is the ruler of Libra (Li), and Taurus (Ta), or the Towers. Mars (Ma) represents or is the ruler of Scorpio (Sc) and Aries (Ar), or the horses. Jupiter (Ju) represents or is the ruler of Sagittarius (Sg) and Pisces (Ps), or the Bishops. The Moon (Mo) represents or is the ruler of Capricorn (Cp), or the black Queen. And the Sun (Su) represents or is the ruler of Aquarius o (Aq), or the black King. Notice here that among the white pieces the Bishops or the advisers to Queen and King are Mercury or the messenger of the demigods or the ones that give information, while among the black pieces the Bishops or the advisers to Queen and King are Jupiter the guru or spiritual master to the demigods, or the one that gives wisdom. Among gurus Jupiter, gives wisdom and Venus gives enjoyment. Wisdom frees one from the attachment of the material energy and enjoyment, makes the attachments stronger. The Soldiers The eight major pieces of the chess game each have one soldier to fight and to protect. Those soldiers represent the 5 senses. In Vedic astrology the horoscope is seen as a graphic with 12 sectors or houses each represented by one sign of the zodiac. The second house represents the Sun or the right eye, the third house represents the right ear, and the fourth house represents the right nostril. The twelfth house represents the Moon or the left eye, the eleventh house represents the left ear, and the tenth house represents the left nostril. In the middle of the board in green is how the senses of sight, hearing, and smell are represented by soldiers. The senses of taste and touch are represented by the second and twelfth houses respectively or by the soldiers situated there. Although the second house rules vacha (in Sanskrit), or words, it also rules the sense of taste just like the two functions seen in the mouth. And the sense of touch is represented by the 12th house as one of the designations of this house is "pleasures of the bed". If you position yourself in the middle of the chessboard you will see before you that the white King is on your right, but facing the opposite side you will see the black King on your left. How can this be explained? South Indian and North Indian styles of horoscope drawings In Vedic astrology we can draw a horoscope South Indian style which has to be read clockwise and this graphic is called the Bhrihaspati Yantra. The North Indian style horoscope has to be read anti-clockwise and this graphic is called the Brighu Yantra. Brighu is the father of Sukracharya, and therefore we again have two opposites gurus, Jupiter and Venus. lkr 17/1/14 Some consequences of the conjunctions of Saturn with Rahu
The effects of the transits, conjunctions, or eclipses can be seen forming sometimes months before the phenomena happen and settling months after according to the extension of their cycles. In this way we need not make predictions but just observe the news.
The conjunctions of Rahu with Saturn happen every 11 years and some months suggesting a link to the 11.1 years cycle of the Solar flares, and these conjunctions are always separated by 4 signs (120 degrees) and a fraction (16 to 17 degrees on average) as it can be seen in the table above.
The Secrets of the Navaratna part 2 Somehow I made one mistake in my past blog when I wrote: "According to Parasara Ketu's sign is Virgo (Vi) (see page 47 of "A Catechism of Astrology" by Raman) and the first sign of Mercury is Gemini (Ge), in this way Ketu and Mercury are in the sign before their own sign or in the 12th house to them." It should read, "According to Parasara Ketu's sign is Pisces (Ps), This can be seen from page 47 of "A Catechism of Astrology (vol. 2), and page 81 (vol. 1) by Raman. Everything happens for a reason and even mistakes can have a message. So, I meditated about why I had made that mistake and remembered that when contemplating a navaratna I wrote my insight in Facebook which nobody had seen before but when wrote my blog I did relied on my memory instead of reading my notes. For me it was a revelation to have seen the exaltation of Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter in the Navaratna and struggled a little to see the meaning of the other 4 planets but in Facebook I wrote about it although I could not believe it how easy the message was: See the graphic of the navaratna and see that Ketu (Ke) is in Leo (Le), which is the 6th house/sign from its own sign of Pisces (Ps), the Moon (Mo) in Aquarius (Aq) is in the 8th house/sign from its own sign of Cancer (Cn), and Mercury (Me) is in the sign of Taurus (Ta) which is the 12th sign/house from its own sign of Gemini (Ge). So here clearly those three planets show the dusthana houses which are the 6th, 8th, and 12th. Any planet in those houses is likely to give obstacles (6th house), the end of things (8th house), or losses and falls (12th house), but nevertheless setbacks can be good as well, just as mistakes can force one to find out what is missing. Considering that Rahu (Ra) in Scorpio (Sc) is weak and any planet in debilitation is likely to give at least some delays it is clear that these four planets are showing the negative trends, while the other four planets show their positive trends (exaltation). And with the Sun (Su) at the centre we saw that by moving to the right it shows its exaltation sign of Aries (Ar), and when moving it to its left it shows its debilitation sign of Libra (Li). And why is Mars the only one exempt from dusthana? Perhaps because of its role as Parasara says, that Mars is the karaka or indicator of karma, the activity that can bind or liberate the soul, and for Brighu Mars is the karaka for the deha, the body that covers the soul. 5/3/13 The Secrets of the Navaratna Navaratna structure ![]() The planets represent the following gems:
30/1/13 ![]() The importance of the signs of the zodiac In Kali Yuga that the signs of the zodiac were first mentioned in July 3072 BC when Sukadeva Goswami told the Srimad Bhagavatam to King Pariksit. This date is much older than the one given for the publication of the Bible suggesting that the Bible is not the oldest religious book on the planet as the Srimad Bhagavatam is a religious book or one in the Vedic literature. Sukadeva Goswami heard the Srimad Bhagavatam from his father Srila Vyasadeva who heard it from sages in Dwapara Yuga indicating that it was known on earth pror to the date given as the beginning of civilization some 5,000 years ago. All this suggests that the history of human kind should be revised even if is going to affect some established facts and interest. When describing the Sun travelling in the universe Sukadeva Goswami said: "....coming in touch with various signs of the zodiac, headed by Makara [Capricorn] — days and nights are short, long or equal to one another." -- SB. 5.21.3 When the Sun enters the sign of Capricorn in what is known as Makara Sankranti (around 15 January) it starts its journey northwards or aroha, upwards and at the point nights are longer than the days. When reaching the solstices nights and days are equal, and when at the summer solstice nights are short and days are long. In the previous sloka or verse to this he mentioned the field where this zodiac is situated: "The sky between the earthly sphere and heavenly sphere is called antariks?a, or outer space. It adjoins the top of the sphere of earth and the bottom of that of heaven." -- SB. 5.21.2 By antariksa or outer space we understand the sidereal sky or the field of the demigods, which starts above the earth as far as eagles or swans can fly and it ends where the heavenly sphere begins. However, this heavenly sphere mentioned is still within the material realm as above it we have the spiritual universe. Srila Prabhupada translates in regard to the limit of the earth: "Its upper limits extend as high as swans, hawks, eagles and similar large birds can fly." -- SB. 5.25.6 And Sukadeva Goswami mentions more signs: "When the sun passes through Mesa [Aries] and Tula [Libra], the durations of day and night are equal. When it passes through the five signs headed by Vrisaba [Taurus], the duration of the days increases [until Cancer], and then it gradually decreases by half an hour each month, until day and night again become equal [in Libra]." -- SB. 5.21.4 Sukadeva Goswami said in this sloka 'Vrisaba adisu' or 'the sign of Taurus and so forth' suggesting that the king knew through being well educated, about the 12 signs of the zodiac and therefore there was no need to mention them, as for the zodiac he meant the 12 signs, which are still given in modern astrology. Below we see the zodiac in the sidereal sky: The zodiac in the sidereal sky ![]() From the Srimad Bhagavatam we understand that the zodiac starts from zero degrees of Aries (Ar) or at the sidereal equinox. 30 degrees later Taurus (Ta) begins and then Gemini (Ge). At the beginning of Cancer the sun starts its journey southwards called avaroha and it crosses the signs of Cancer (Cn), Leo (Le) and Virgo (Vi). It is at this point that the sun crosses into the sign of Libra (Li) around 15 September and where the days and nights for the demigods are equal and are an equinox point similar to zero degrees of Aries. Then, from here the sun continues its journey southwards and crosses the signs of Libra (Li), Scorpio (Sc), and Sagittarius (Sg). At this point the sun is at its lowest degree of the zodiac having reached zero degrees of Capricorn (Cp) around 15 January and then commence its journey northwards. In India this is called Makara sankranti or the day when the sun crossed into the sign of Makara or Capricorn. Observe in the graphic above that the zodiac has 4 cardinal points which are the zero degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn. The first two are the equinox points; the later two the solstices points. The Zodiac as a module In architecture a single brick works as a module to build a whole house. And in ancient times when the architect used to follow the rules of Shilpa Shastra or the arts and architecture in the Vedas, he used to lay down the donor of a temple or the owner of a house to measure the distance between the tip of his middle fingers when his arms were extended, and from this measure he used to calculate a module with which he determined all the spaces and sizes of doors, windows, passages, rooms, etc. In a similar way the zodiac was used as a module of the whole universe and it could fit any space. The Four Main forces in the Universe There are four main forces in the universe, which are; the Yugas, the Obliquity, the Ecliptic, and the Obliquity. The first two forces have as reference the sidereal or celestial sky technically called the nirayana sky, or the sky of the demigods which has no shelter (nir, ayana). The last two forces have as reference the tropical or terrestrial sky, technically called the sayana sky, or the sky covering this planet which has shelter (sa, ayana). This shelter (ayana) is seen as the production of food and the performance of rituals necessary for the development and maintenance of humans. The Yugas There are four Yugas that the Vedas give as module of macro time 432,000 years for Kali Yuga, Kali means one. A double span of this is 864,000 years and is called Dwapara Yuga; dwapara meaning two. A triple span is Treta yuga; treta meaning three and measuring 1,296,000 years. And Krita Yuga lasts four times as long as a Kali Yuga and it measures 1,728,000 years, krita meaning four. These four Yugas are called a Maha Yuga and last 4,320,000 years. 1,000 mahayugas are 12 hours of Lord Brahma. We have seen above how the zodiac fits in the sidereal sky so now let us see how it fits the Yugas: The Four Yugas in the zodiac ![]() Kali Yuga is like the "winter" of the Yugas and starts at zero degrees of Capricorn and it lasts for 3 signs of the zodiac as shown in the graphic above. When Kali Yuga ends Krita Yuga starts at zero degrees of Aries. In this way we see how Krita Yuga is like the spring season; Treta Yuga is like summer; and Dwapara Yuga is like autumn. The Srimad Bhagavatam says that Kali Yuga could not have started as long as Lord Krishna was still on earth and the astronomer Ayarbhatta calculated that Kali Yuga started on 18 February 3,102 BC (Julian date). It seems that Ayarbhatta had some documents as reference to find this date and he said it found it 3,600 years later. Astrologically this number is very important because it is 60 Brihaspati cycles of 60 years each and therefore both dates were the year within the Brihaspati cycle. The Brihaspati cycle used as a module of time When Lord Brahma the architect of this universe was born time started to work in modules of 60 years. There are 7,200 Brihaspati cycles in a Kali Yuga and the Srimad Bhagavatam says that because Kali Yuga could not start as long as Krishna was present on earth there was a delay in the entry of Kali Yuga. The beginning of a Brihaspati cycle started with the New Moon in Pisces on 5 January 3,113 BC when the Sun and the Moon were at 4°17 Pisces, and in Mesoamerica a new Maya calendar started on 13 August 3113 BC. And still within this first year of the Brihaspati cycle, 10 moon months later the Chinese started a Dragon year at the New Moon in Capricorn. The Chinese cycle of 60 years and the Brihaspati cycle in India are similar and the year of the Rat among the Chinese is equivalent to the sign of Aries or the beginning of the zodiac. Therefore with the New Moon in Capricorn on 25 November 3113 BC (the Sun and the Moon were at 23°27 Capricorn), the Chinese celebrated the beginning of the year of the Dragon which is the equivalent to the sign of Leo, the sign ruled by the Sun which represents the consciousness, life, the soul. Longevity in the Yugas We know from the Vedas that in Krita Yugas humans live for 100,000 years, 10,000 years in Treta, 1,000 in Dwapara, and 100 in Kali Yuga. However, towards the end of a Kali Yuga human life reaches only 25 years. Srila Prabhupada gives us a clue to this when he said: "The span of life is different on different planets, according to the planet's distance from the sun" -- SB. 4.25.43 Purport. From this we understand that the Yugas show the distance of the earth from the Sun and when Krita Yuga starts the earth is at its farthest from the Sun and when at the end of Kali Yuga the earth is at its closest to the Sun. There must be a tremendous change in orbit when the earth ends Kali Yuga as it bounces back from its nearest distance to the Sun to the farthest point away from the Sun. However, while the Yugas are advancing from Krita Yuga to Kali Yuga they are like bands being crossed by the planet when approaching the sun and therefore a change in orbit. The Importance of the Bands Within a rainbow we see 7 bands each showing a different colour from red to violet. Within sound we have also 7 bands that show the notes from Do to Ti. Each band shows a colour or a note. In a similar way, the Yugas each have a different band and are therefore different from each other in distance from the Sun and longevity. And when there is a change in Yuga there is a drastic change in geology, sociology, psychology, etc. The sages in Dwapara Yuga knew that Kali Yuga was approaching and were observing the signs as an indication of what to do about as it meant drastic changes all around. The Kings on earth used to listen to the brahmans, the sages, to know how to protect and rule their people accordingly. However, they all knew that the symptoms of Kali Yuga were appearing in the form of treachery, bad weather, bad omens, and so on. The War at Kuruksetra in August 3128 BC was a symptom that Kali Yuga was close but because Krishna was still on earth Kali Yuga could not start. The sages knew all about this. However, finally the Lord departed to Goloka and Kali Yuga started. King Yuddisthira knew that Kali Yuga had started because of the omens, the signs around that he was observing, and therefore by the time his brother Arjuna came to see him in New Delhi from Dwaraka where Lord Krishna used to live, to give him the bad news of the departure of Lord Krishna he knew already. From that day the Pandava brothers made arrangements to leave the kingdom of Bharata (India) to King Pariksit and left for the Himalayas. Here we have a very interesting quote relating to the change of Yugas: "Standard Ice Age theory places the beginning of the Ice Age about 2 million years ago so far, the ice cores have drilled through 123 thousand layers in Greenland; 174 thousand layers in Antarctica.) And geology books point out that glaciation has been a rare event in Earth's history." http://www.thunderbolts.info/tpod/2006/arch06/060707record.htm A Record of Planetary Catastrophe Drastic changes are described in geology around 2 million years ago and this is the beginning of Treta Yuga, which started about 2,165,114 years ago suggesting that the beggining of Treta Yuga imprinted on earth a drastic change in geology and in the weather. And what about the beginning of this Kali Yuga? "The locations of ice cores and evidence for abrupt climate change approximately 5,000 years ago are depicted below, along with areas of large-scale ice retreat." Credit: Lonnie Thompson, Ohio State University. ![]() The graphic above can be seen in the link provided above. You can see from the map that 9 abrupt changes were found around 5,000 years ago suggesting that the beginning of Kali Yuga imprinted on earth serious changes and this could well imply a change in orbit. Fom the same link we read: "Many individuals in the Thunderbolts group contend that our planet’s sky once looked vastly different than it does today. The Earth moved in a more dynamic electrical environment in close interaction with other celestial bodies, including our neighboring planets. "If the celestial events suggested in these pages did indeed occur, they would have left undeniable physical imprints." In fact, imprints of the events are visible in many layers of geologic data. From pole to pole on Earth (and on every rocky body in space), we see the scars left by electric discharge machining (EDM)—an effect of electrical arcing when charged bodies interact. We see surfaces torn by channels that meet every test of electric discharge and defy all orthodox interpretations. We see giant, circular craters with layered terraces, concentric rings and shallow flat floors, common traits of electrically excavated surfaces, but not typical of impact cratering. We see concretions—spheroidal masses usually occurring in sedimentary strata— including Moqui balls, geodes, thunder eggs, even concretions as large as ten feet in diameter. These spherical formations lie somewhere between “difficult” and “impossible” to explain in conventional geologic terms (“mineral leakage" being the currently most fashionable), but many features would be expected of electric discharge. As enumerated several times on these pages, lighting and its many variations in laboratory experiments produce spherules. Plasma physicist CJ Ransom replicated the small spherules or "blueberries" seen on Mars through a simple electric discharge experiment. "We also see evidence that just a few thousand years ago, there was a sudden, dramatic shift in Earth’s global climate. "A recent study published in the current issue of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Science found evidence of an abrupt climate shift on Earth about 5,000 years ago—the most dramatic evidence being the discovery of unfossilized wetland plants around the margin of the Quelccaya ice cap." There is a theory that the Yugas have a shorter duration and therefore Kali Yugas appear more often, however if this is the case then where are the geology imprints of drastic changes? From the above we can see that around 5,000 years ago a very drastic change on a geological scale happened; a fact that fits with what Ayarbhatta who tells us that Kali Yuga started in 3,102 BC or some 5,000 years ago. From the Vedas we learn that Kali Yuga imply a drastic change and often Kali Yugas, as some believe happens, should show a print on earth, however, there are none as those shown 5,000 years ago. And at the social level we can also see some drastic changes happening around 5,000 years ago. In Egypt there was the start of the Pharaoh Dynasty in 3,100 BC, In Mesopotamia we have the beginning of scripture around 5,000 years ago, which only appears in the Kali Yugas as in other Yugas there is no need to record things in writing as the memory and brain capacity is 10, 100 and 1,000 times greater. And so in a greater proportion is health, stamina. size, strength, etc. In China there was a mythical emperor around 5,000 years ago and we know that myths hold a powerful message. In India Kali Yuga started in 3,102 BC, In Caral Peru there are signs of an advanced culture some 5,000 years ago. And in Mesoamerica the Maya calendar started in 3113 BC, which suggests that there was a human culture around then even if some scholars have tried to minimise its splendour and magnitude despite the evidence of culture in the area for the past 11,000 years. What scholars interpret as nomad people in the past is really people on the run displaced by the effects of Kali Yuga. Any research should be carrued out with this in mind and human history should be rewritten to show that it has been alive for many maha Yugas in the past. Natabara Das 8-1-13 Por fin tuve tiempo de leer tu blog. (I have read your blogs). I found it very interesting and since I have been reading your writings for a while now I understood almost everything. The most difficult for me being at the end : Precession obliquity and Electricity. Nevertheless I enjoyed reading it. I hope that by now you had answers from your different readers and have an idea of how it was received. Congratulations. Keep on Love D My reply: Many thanks for your kudos D and for reading my blogs. At the beginning I wanted to make my blogs as simple as possible to warm things up and although I have some very advanced subject matters to suggest I am just testing them for later on to be edited by Bev. In regard to the Precession and Obliquity Mike and I are working on the graphics to make it easier for the readers to understand them. Just recently Mike and I realised that the Obliquity and the Precession were observed by the ancients when we were talking about the Maya and Mike said one day as in disbelief, “The ancients used to observe the Precession at the equinoxes and the Obliquity at the solstices”. A few simple words and the I went on to explain the deepness of Mike's statemen. The Maya are known to have built observatories to monitor the equinoxes and the solstices. But let me try to put this simply. Precession ![]() The Precession is credited to be found by Hypparcus in 127 BC. You can consult the next link. http://www.well.com/~davidu/appendix4.html However it is mentioned earlier in the Almagest of Ptolemy in around 150 BC Ptolemy is considered to be the father of western or tropical astrology although we could say that that he compiled the knowledge of astrology that was known around his time . In other words Hypparcus is likely to have heard about the Precession from other astronomers and this has been interpreted by a reporter or historian that he discovered it. History can be revised in many cases and this is a good example to be revised. For graphics about the knowledge of Hipparcus about geometry see: http://www.astro.cornell.edu/academics/courses/astro201/hipparchus.htm However here lies a problem because the Precession was known by ancient cultures like China, India and Egypt. In other words, the Precession was known long before the date that we are told as a fact. ![]() The order of the planets in Ptolemy For the order of the planets in Ptolemy see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Almagest Ptolemy gives the order of the planets in his Almagest as: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. Some scholars say that the Egyptians were the first to follow astrology in around 2500 BC as seen in the Dendera zodiac which you are likely to have seen at the Museum Du Louvre. In this zodiac the decanates or divisions of the zodiac of 10 degrees can be seen. However Sukadeva Goswami told King Pariksit about the zodiac in the week between 7 and 14 July 3072 BC, hence the mention of the zodiac in India is much older. And the decanates were also known in India as the drekkanas. The order of the planets in Parasara Muni Parasara Muni who is considered to be one of the 18 fathers of Vedic astrology, compiled the knowledge known around his time and he was the grandfather of Sukadeva Goswami. Something very peculiar is that the order of the planets given by Parasara is the same (with some changes) as Ptolemy mentioned some 3000 years later. Parasara gives the order of the planets in his Brihat Parasara Hora as: Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury. Note that Ketu and Rahu are “added” to the same sequence as Ptolemy's and the Moon is between the Sun and Mars rather than before Mercury, or between Saturn and Mercury. Later on I am going to produce a blog with graphics to show how this planetary order can be seen in the saptagram or amulet used in the Middle Ages, in a stone circle built at Boulogne (near Paris) by the Celts around 1500 BC and in the vimsottari system of Parasara. The point here is that it is obvious that there was a common knowledge in the world before 3100 BC that was somehow “diluted” by the Celts, Greeks and in the Middle Ages. With our present education we are led to believe that human culture only appeared around 3000 BC although the Vedas inform us that due to the appearance of Kali Yuga there was a disruption of knowledge and people forgot the past. Perhaps you can understand better the concept of the Precession by thinking about the reform of the Julian calendar which was followed in Europe. In the following link you can read more about it. http://www.infoplease.com/spot/gregorian1.html The Reform to the Calendar In 1582 Pope Gregory XIII changed the Julian calendar into what is now known as the Gregorian calendar. When the Spaniards where colonizing Mexico in the XVI century they observed that their Julian calendar was somehow wrong when compared with the primitive and locals' calendar. So, they told the Vatican who investigated the problem and who found that the Julian calendar had to be corrected although it took many years to accept this. Somehow people in Europe lost 10 days in the reform of their calendar and 70 days later the British finally accepted the mistake and also changed their calendar as well. Notice that in 1582 10 days were "lost" and 70 years later in England 11 days were lost. This can be understood when we bear in mind that the Julian calendar did not consider the Precession and therefore by the time the correction was made 10 days had already been lost. And because the British did the change 70 years later there were 11 days to be corrected because the Precession moves backwards around 1 degree or one day in 72 years. In fact this is why in England they have a good laugh on April 1 and they call it 'April Fool day'. This is because on April 1, 1753 some people were celebrating the spring equinox when in reality was 11 days before in 21 March, 1753. And others laughed at being 11 days behind. But a very important detail to consider is that although the date was changed the day of the week was not. Wednesday 2 September 1752 was the last day of the Julian calendar and following Thursday 3 September became the 15th because they lost 11 day in the change. Somehow as we are going to see later in my blogs the order of the days of the week are considered sacred not being changed for thousands of years because they are represented by the planets or the gods driving the planets, and therefore their order has to be respected. This detail explains how many ancient cultures have been linked for thousands of years. The Two Skies In the year 285 the two skies the terrestrial or tropical and the celestial or sidereal were together at zero degrees of Aries but because the Precession changes at the rate of about one degree every 72 years, in 2012 their difference is 24 degrees and this is why we say that the Precession is now at 6 degrees of sidereal Pisces. We call it the Tropical sky because the tropics are the limit of the zodiac. In other words, every year the Sun travels northwards and southwards from the Tropic of Capricorn in the south hemisphere to the Tropic of Cancer in the north hemisphere and from here southwards to the Tropic of Capricorn. And this is very important as we are going to see later. We call it the Sidereal sky because the zodiac is found in outer space in the realm of the gods. From the Srimad Bhagavatam we find that the zodiac is considered in the sidereal sky and understand that the same zodiac works as standard in the ecliptic and in the Obliquity. How can we understand this? In architecture there was some chaos in building until someone wrote the Neufert, a book considered by architects as their Bible where the standard measures for windows, doors, table, chairs, etc is given. We need standards to achieve order. In a similar way the zodiac given in the Srimad Bhagavatam is the standard used in the Ecliptic, Obliquity, and even in the human body. For example, the human head is considered to be represented or ruled by the sign of Aries, and the feet are ruled by the sign of Pisces. And why 12 signs? Because number 12 is another standard to be followed. There are 12 months in a year, 12 daylight hours in a day, 12,000,000,000 cycles of the Precession, 12 inches in a yard, etc. And the "invention" of the zodiac as some scholars say, did not appear in Egypt, Greece, or Sumeria but was mentioned for the first time in Kali Yuga by Sukadeva Goswami in 3071 BC, and he did not invent the zodiac; he told King Pariksit what he had heard from his father and what he heard from previous sages, suggesting that the zodiac was known previously in past Yugas. Obliquity ![]() In regard to the obliquity it is hardy known nowdays. The knowledge about the Precession has been kept in the calculation of the Vedic horoscopes for thousands of years, however, the Obliquity is first detected in Hipparcus when he used the obliquity based on the well at Syene. In one of my blogs I wrote this: “At the time when Eratosthenes did his calculation the wall at Syene was at 23°43'22.51” of Latitude at the summer solstice or when the Sun reaches its upper north limit, and in the summer solstice of 2012 the obliquity is going to be at 23°26'10.983”. In school we are told that the obliquity or the tropics do not move but in reality they are moving and this was only found some 100 years ago. When we read that Eratosthenes knew about the obliquity we could ask if he also knew that it was moving. In his time the sun at the summer solstice used to cross above the well of Syene, but some years later this event could not be seen because the sun never reached such latitude and the reason for this was the limit of the sun ended at the Tropics. In other words, the Tropic of Cancer is moving towards the equatorial line and because of this the Tropical zones are shrinking. About Electricity Electricity is all around us and at the present time we do not talk much about it but it will take on a greater importance in our awareness very soon. The more we read about it the more we will see its importance all around us. At present we are complacent about electricity because we use gadgets with it in washing machines, toasters, fridges, TV sets, computers, cars, lifts, etc. However, in reality electricity is in outer space even if most scientists think that outer space is empty; it is in the human body, it is in everything. About Feedback I have received positive feedback from my blogs and that helps me to assess what kind of blogs are more relevant to the readers. Thank you for asking. 14/11/12 The Well of Syene
I would like to explain that for the past years I have studied the obliquity in Mesoamerica as linked to the Maya calendar and in my research and observation I have found that the ancient Mesomericans had important observation points to follow the tropic of Cancer crossing above them at the summer solstices. For some reason the value of the obliquity has been forgotten in our modern times, however for the ancients it was very important because it affects the weather pattern and in consequence human history by changing the production of crops, economy, politics, emigration, etc. There are 3 important zones in each of the earth's hemispheres. From the equatorial line to the tropic of Cancer we have the Tropical area, from here to the polar circle we have the template zone, and from there to the pole we have the Polar zone. When the tropical zone contracts the polar zone contracts in proportion as the template zone increasing. And vice-versa when the motion of the obliquity increases the tropical zones and the polar zones increase and the template zones decrease. The obliquity on average has a cycle of 41,000 years crossing from 21°30 to 24°30 of latitude up and down. At present the obliquity is moving towards the equatorial line contracting the tropical zones. In the table above you can see such motion. It seems that the ancients knew that there were bands like zones which once crossed by the obliquity meant a different pattern in the weather. This is obvious in the Maya calendars which are each 5,125 years in extension. 8 x 5,125 = 41,000 years of the cycle of the obliquity. This brings to my mind the ancient structures monitoring the obliquity at the solstices like New Grange, Stonehenge, Laxcaux, and certain temples in Egypt aligned to the solstices. However I never expected to find a different "calendar" in Egypt also based on the motion of the obliquity. The colours of the rainbow each have a wave or band which when crossed turns into the next colour. In a similar way the obliquity crosses from one "sun" to another "sun" just as the Maya called their Long count calendars because they saw the Sun changing in electromagnetic force in each "sun" or calendar. We see the river ending at the sea at which point their sweet waters mix with the salt waters. Nevertheless, before and after this junction of river were the salt waters are mixed, there something similar to what we are experimenting now at the end of the present Maya calendar, that is a disturbance of the weather which is likely to settle in a few years time once we are in a different Maya calendar. The Mayan observed the obliquity between 21°30 and 24°30 of latitude or 3 degrees in total but the Egyptians observed the area above that between 24°06' (Syene) and the Main Pyramid at 30°06 or 6 degrees in distance. This means that it is easy to extrapolate the 12 signs of the zodiac as Sukadeva Goswami explained to King Pariksit as recorded in the Srimad Bhagavatam in those 2 areas. But more about this later. You can see in the table how the template areas are increasing in degrees and in kilometres and the tropical areas are decreasing. This expansion and implosion are causing the weather pattern to change. The ancients were aware of this and had landmarks to measure when to expect a change in "band". And in 2012 the obliquity is going to change of band or like the Maya said, "The change of a new sun". I see this to be a change from a magnetic to an electric sun. So this is how the ancients did it. Some cultures like the Maya observed the area over which the obliquity moves and others as in Egypt observed the shadows in the template zone. I was pondering why the land of Egypt goes from "Migdol to Syene" like Ezekiel says twice in the Bible and in one area of exactly 7 degrees, and why the great pyramid is at 30°06 LN or 6 degrees of this area. What kind of ratio is this (6/7)? The royalty from Egypt were invited to the Great War at Kuruksetra (which started on 10 August 3129 BC, the day before a solar eclipse) like other Kings and their armies around the world and no one went back to their land because all of them were killed in that battle and only 10 or 12 survived. This gap in leaders left room for usurpers to take over and with the little knowledge left they started the Pharaoh dynasty and divided Egypt in two in 3,100 BC a couple of years after Kali Yuga started. Although the knowledge of the Precession was kept alive in Vedic astrology the knowledge of the Obliquity was erased until now. In school we were told that in a mysterious way humans decided at once around the year 3,100 BC to move out of forests and start living in big towns. In Egypt in 3,100 BC we saw the start of the Pharaoh dynasty, however there is evidence that there was a sophisticated form of politics in Egypt in pre-dynastic time. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nome_%28Egypt%29 This suggests what the Vedas tell us that previous to Kali Yuga there was an advanced civilization likely to know about the value of the obliquity. Just as scientists have found that UFOs work by reversing their technology from some crashed UFOS. Let us discover the secrets of the Obliquity by reversing its data. I have extrapolated the Maya calendars as you can see from the following link and next I will do something similar with the land of Egypt. https://www.dropbox.com/s/79ov30jefpquy5c/8Suns-2-new.png So, let us look for obliquity and shadows in ancient cultures and see which landmarks of the past were indicating "seasons" that were showing electromagnetic properties which had a strong influence on humans. We still do not have a suitable computer program to calculate the obliquity beyond 8,000 BC but I think the tropic of Cancer was above Syene in 11,095 BC. Unfortunately for our Kali Yuga education this date is considered "primitive" and therefore it was not possible for ancients to observe the obliquity and its implications. A Sumerian tablet was found to describe an important event. On 29 June 3,123 BC (Julian date) at 4 am Nineveh (local time) the ascendant was at 18°09 Cancer. The sun was due to appear on the horizon some 38 minutes later, and in the sky Mercury was seen at 10°25 Cancer. Above the horizon Jupiter was at 20°55, Venus at 19°51, and Saturn at 13°54 all in Gemini were visible. This beautiful event can only be seen once every 20 years, around the time of the conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn. This tablet describes an asteroid in Pisces and Pluto was at 0°56 Pisces in the 9th house suggesting in politic astrology future troubles with the law and religion of the country. With the evidence that the ancients used astrology in 3,123 BC sceptics might wish to change their mind about astrology being a recent invention. And what about the ancient's knowledge about the obliquity? Let me point one of the prejudices that some of our scholars have of the past. Recently it has been discovered that a Maya ball game court at Chichenitza was used as an observatory to the solstices and equinoxes. The archaeologist Huchim working on the restoration project said that it may have also been used "like a calendar, to mark important periods for agriculture," such as planting the core crop of corn. This is good thinking but have a look at another idea: "Boston University archaeologist Francisco Estrada-Belli, who was not involved in the project, said the solar sighting lines were part of "part of Maya architecture and cosmology. The fact that the sun rise can be observed behind a structure should be understood in that sense, as reverence to the sun or other star, not necessarily as an observatory in the technical sense," Estrada-Belli said. The orientation of the structures "emphasized the sacrality of the ritual space." http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/mexico-mayan-ball-court-celestial-marker-17406152 From this we can see the prejudice of seeing the ancients as a group of superstitious ignorant people instead of scientists who knew about the obliquity. Why think that they had a reverence for what they did not know instead of having a reverence for what they knew? It has been estimated that this observatory was built in 864 A.D. The tropic of Cancer at the summer solstice in that year was at 23°35' 3.945" And compared with 2012 at 23°26'10" there is a difference in azimuth of some 9 nautical miles. On 3/7/763 (this is 100 years previous) at Copan the Maya had seen a lunar eclipse at sunset which told them about the end of their empire and hence the need to monitor the sky and the obliquity for further information. See: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15922121 Factors recorded at the time as the beginning of their end included: Drought, epidemic disease, and the fall of classic period cultures in Mesoamerica (Between AD 750-950), hemorrhagic fevers as a cause of massive population loss. Astrology is a science neglected by modern scholars who do not consider its benefits to human society because their prejudices limit their vision. Observatories have been found in more than 70 Mayan cities as well as all over the world. See: http://archaeology.about.com/od/archaeoastronomy/tp/astronomical_observatories.htm Astronomical Observatories How did ancient people track time? To get an idea of what ancient observatories did see: http://www.newgrange.com/loughcrew-sep09.htm Loughcrew Equinox - 20th September 2009 It is obvious that the ancients were not primitive but had a high sense of science and used to observe the Precession at the equinoxes and the Obliquity at the solstices. Our modern science has not idea of the importance, value and implication of this. We still do not have a suitable computer program to calculate the obliquity beyond 8,000 BC however I believe the tropic of Cancer was above Syene in 11,095 BC. Unfortunately for our Kali Yuga education this date is "primitive" and it was not possible for ancients to observe the obliquity and its implications. In other words in 11,095 BC the obliquity was moving towards the Poles in what can be call the aroha (Sanskrit) or ascending movement and in 7,530 BC it reached its maxim and started to move towards the equatorial line in what we can call its avaroha or descending movement again reaching the zenith at Syene in 3,965 BC. This period only lasted some 7,130 years. So, by the time the Pharaoh dynasty commenced perhaps the knowledge of the obliquity in this period had been forgotten. Perhaps not, however we know that the awareness in "modern" times that the obliquity is moving is only about 100 years old. More later... Natabara, 14/10/12 The Obliquity and the Electricity Here there is a very interesting presentation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=De9b8Z94nQk Up to the times of Copernicus the world followed a geocentric concept in which the earth was the centre of the universe, however from 1543 when Copernicus published his main book (Actually that book was published by his friends after his death because he did not want the public to know about it), the world changed concept to a heliocentric theory where the universe is centred on the Sun. See this link: http://physics.ucr.edu/~wudka/Physics7/Notes_www/node41.html From that century the human story was shaped by heliocentric theory and in due time produced thinkers like Freud, Jung, Marx, Edison, Curie, Einstein, etc., who influenced the world with their theories. However, now we are at the dawn of another drastic change in the human story and likely to see the world with new perspectives and realise see the value of the Precession, Obliquity, and Electricity among other concepts. Although these things have been known for years they are very likely to take a prominent role in known the world very soon. The Precession has been known in India for thousands of years and Vedic astrologers know it by the name of ayanamsa. The obliquity was first mentioned by Eratosthenes in 230 BC, but somehow we missed its importance linked to ancient cultures. See: http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/~korpela/astro10/html/lec4/sld009.htm Eratosthenes was a Greek scientist who used the well at Syene to calculate the circumference of the earth. In slides 18 and 19 of the above link the successes and problems of both the geocentric and heliocentric theories are explained. At the time when Eratosthenes made his calculation the wall at Syene was at 23°43'22.51” of Latitude that is when at the summer solstice or when the Sun reaches its upper north limit, and in the summer solstice of 2012 the obliquity is going to be at 23°26'10.983”. Here you can calculate the obliquity: http://mb-soft.com/public3/equatime.html Now consider this: The name of that well is Syene which is very similar to the name of Syena which in Sanskrit means eagle. In the Srimad Bhagavatam 5.24.6 the upper limit of the earth is described, “as high as swans, hawks, eagles and similar large birds can fly”. Some may think that these birds cannot fly so very high, however airplane pilots have reported seeing vultures flying at 10 kilometres high. The eagle can be seeing in many flags in the world (in 200): http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Flags_with_eagles Why has the name of Eagle being given to this well? The eagle is known for having very good sight and it has been considered to be the representative of the Sun and the soul. Here at Syene the sun used to 'stand still' over the well at the summer solstices. In another blog I am going to elaborate on the importance of the obliquity to the changing of the weather patterns. In modern times the obliquity was rediscover in Malaysia some 100 years ago. And the concept of electricity in the universe was also rediscovered about 100 years ago however it is only now starting to attract the curiosity of a number of scientists. See the next links for examples of this idea: http://www.the-electric-universe.info/ http://www.holoscience.com/wp/ The main point for astrologers is to see how the new concepts of the Obliquity and Electricity is going to affect astrology. We will consider this in my future blogs. Latest Discovery among the Maya We know that the Maya used the numbers 260 (The Tzolkin calendar), 365 (for practical reasons), 584 (the synodic number of Venus), and 780 (the synodic number of Mars). In the latest discovery archaeologists found 4 numbers which divided by these 4 numbers mentioned are shown below:
Of the 16 numbers above all but 4 are whole numbers; the other 4 would become whole in the next cycle. Therefore, for the Maya to record 4 numbers that can be divided by 4 constants is a remarkable achievement. And such knowledge in ancient times suggests that they had attained the knowledge from very ever earlier times, by revelation, or from extraterrestrials. How? By revelation their shamans or people like Einstein could have communicated with higher authorities, or they could have received knowledge from foreign experts. And from extraterrestrials (as some think) they could have received this greater knowledge. Why? Because sometimes advanced seers or cultures see the need to pass on information to elevate another. New Discovery at the Great Pyramid of Egypt Rahu is subtle when seen from Earth as it is just a mathematical point or the North node of the Moon (apparently), but is visible when in outer space. While on earth we can see what appears to be a long stick bending within water, but it is only the optical illusion of the water that gives the stick the appearance of bending. This suggests that the rules of physics are different in water and on earth. In a similar way, in outer space there are different rules of physics. To probe this we will have to land on Rahu and perhaps see the Moon above us. But the question would be whether the scientists would tell us about it. We know that scientists and politicians sometime hide important things from the public, either knowingly or unknowingly. Their excuse may be that they will inform the public when they have a better understanding about the matter themselves or simply that they cannot afford to tell the truth. Take the example of a recent video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbztRHBauV4&feature=share From minute 2 we see a star map that we have never seen before drawn above the Gantenbrink's Door in the Great Pyramid. And as they wrote, "we were in such a rush to drill holes in things, that we failed to follow the scientific method and document the walls, untouched, first." That is correct. Somehow we were never shown that part of the ceiling. Many times we miss similar details until the time is ripe to discover them. In a similar way when landing on Rahu it is possible that astronauts were in a rush or they just deceived us and did not show the Moon hanging above them, if Rahu is what they showed us to be the Moon. We will have to wait and see, but from the descriptions of the Moon in the Srimad Bhagavatam I suspect that they landed on Rahu. I may be wrong, but that is my belief. The Universe This clip is very inspiring. Some time ago astronomy and astrology were united as one science, however, someone decided to separate them, and now astronomy is given the reputation of university level and astrology is given the bad reputation of fortune telling. But who decides? And on what basis? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17jymDn0W6U The Obliquity Among The Maya The Maya are much older than the Aztec and have a deeper culture. The Aztec came to prominence only around the 13th or 14th century when they arrived in Tenochtitlan (Mexico City). In reality it seems that the Aztec were conquered by a bunch of politicians who changed their old ways and directed them even to cannibalism. But this was done perhaps from around the 11th or 12th century as Sinclair reported when he left Edinburgh for Canada and he was told that in Mexico further south there were cannibals (The Aztec). And Aztec teeth cut to eat bones has been discovered. It is likely that the Aztec were peaceful people until they were forced by a bunch of politicians to be aggressive perhaps because of their new diet of human flesh. The Maya and the Aztec have a different set of mythologies. The Maya and some other tribes in Mesoamerica and even America believe that we are in the 4th sun (calendar), and the Aztec and other tribes believe that we are in the 5th sun. How should we consider this? Some years ago I read that the Maya calendar is linked to the Precession but this cannot be because the calendar measures 5,125 years and the mean Precession measures 25,920 years. However when I multiplied 5,125 years by 8 I got the 41,000 years of the cycle of the obliquity (exactly). Perhaps the scholars were excited about the Precession and wanted to see that link. But I had not heard about the Obliquity before except from Graham Hancock. In November 2002 I read Graham Hancock's “Underworld”, where on page 434 he wrote: “It is well known that the sun's rising points at the solstices are not fixed but vary with the slowly increasing and then decreasing angle of the earth's axis in relation to the plane of its orbit around the sun. These changes in what is known technically as the 'obliquity of the ecliptic' (presently in the range of 23 degrees 27 minutes) unfold over a great cycle of more than 40,000 years and if alignments are sufficiently ancient they will incorporate a degree of error, caused by changing obliquity. From the error (assuming they were built accurately in the first place) it is possible to calculate the exact date of their construction”. Actually, the range of the obliquity has changed and 23°27 was last seen around 1910 as it is currently at 23°26. Also if we calculate the date of the construction of some of the Maya's buildings then we can also see their genius in orienting some of them towards the obliquity in the year 2012. Graham Hancock mentions the ruins of Mnajdra in Malta and mentions that they were oriented towards the obliquity around the year 3700 BC based on the calculations of Paul Micallef, an engineer and professor at Malta University, however, that report is 10 years old and now we have a more accurate program. See the link below: http://mb-soft.com/public3/equatime.html Graham Hancock says that according to Paul Micallef the ecliptic stood at 24°9'4” in 3700 BC but the program above gives an obliquity at 24°9'4.6” on 21 June 4776 BC when Mnajdra was oriented. And at other sites like Newgrange in Ireland and Stonehenge the alienation with the Obliquity is centred on 2012. So, I extrapolated the cycle of the obliquity with the 3 degrees of latitude which Graham Hancock suggests between 21°30 and 24°30 of Latitude and the zodiac that is mentioned by Sukadeva Goswami for the first time in Kali Yuga and recorded in the Srimad Bhagavatam. At the time (2003) I only could find out the position of the obliquity at the beginning (3113 BC) and the end (2012) of the present calendar and made a drawing of it. The end of 2 suns give 4 points of reference (the opposite positions 20,500 years ago). However, from January of this year (2012) there is a new program that can calculate the position of the obliquity 5,125 years from now, and therefore I now have 6 reference points out of 8. Look at the following drawing: https://www.dropbox.com/s/79ov30jefpquy5c/8Suns-2-new.png I am going to write more blogs about this but ideally astrologers with some scientific inclination could study this concept to perhaps develop further insights. The 4th Sun The Maya belief that we are in the 4th sun means that their reference or "beginning" is in Pisces. And their first sun looks at the beginning of the cardinal sign of Aries. In Latin cardinal means 'principal' or 'hinge' and in Sanskrit the cardinal signs are known as kendra which means 'corner' Without a hinge we cannot open a door. This suggests that the Maya started their calendars "in a corner", and the Aztec started their count when the obliquity was at 28° of Capricorn. Incidentally, I have drawn the zodiac according to the 5th Canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam where we understand that 0° degrees of Capricorn starts at the celestial solstice, where the atmosphere of the Earth ends and outer space begins. But of course, this zodiac described by Sukadeva Goswami can fit the ecliptic and the obliquity in the tropical sky as I will show later. And even the 4 Yugas fit the zodiac as seen in the following link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xf1ypjsztyhh0xu/8Suns-1-new.png This is my version of how the zodiac fits the Yugas, and by extrapolating the 432,000 years of Kali Yuga within 90° we see that Kali Yuga is now at the beginning of Capricorn. The Nature of Reporting Reporters are represented by Mercury the messenger. But sometimes reporters miss important clues, either unknowingly or knowingly. In the past few hours I have received three links reporting the same event; the finding that the Maya knew a tremendous amount about astronomy by the 9th century and one of the reports says: “The walls reveal the oldest known astronomical tables from the Maya. Scientists already knew they must have been keeping such records at that time, but until now the oldest known examples dated from about 600 years later.” http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304070304577396612472735868.html?mod=googlenews_wsj Oldest Mayan Calendar Revealed Another report says: “The east wall features a number of seated figures, nearly life-sized, dressed in black and wearing elaborate headdresses similar to a bishop's mitre. They all look toward the north wall,on which a more elaborately dressed figure in orange holds a stylus in a hand outstretched toward a figure that Dr Saturno believes represented the king of Xultun.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-18018343 Mayan art and calendar at Xultun stun archaeologists My emphasis is added to emphasise that hats were worn only by authorities or supervisors, and the north wall means the tropic of cancer which they used to observe in its motion cycle of 41,000 years on which the Mayan calendar was based. The dressed figure in the north is delivering the required information. But this is not new because it is known that the Mayans recorded 8 times in 7 different places about a Moon eclipse on 3 July 763 AC suggesting that they knew about the importance of eclipses especially when they were able to see them. But like reporters who sometimes miss important points we are likely to miss some points off our radars. The reporting about this Moon eclipse at Copan stated that it was a coronation or a wedding, when in fact it was about the importance of the eclipse itself. The main implication of this Moon eclipse for the Mayans was it predicted the end of the Mayan Empire, and for the world the implication was the recording in Mayan of that eclipse gave a date which accords with modern calculations as the beginning and the end of the Mayan calendar. Until such discovery Mayanists were not sure about the end of the calendar and the most popular date so much exploited has been 21 December 2012 when in fact it is 23 December 2012. Two days difference may not seem to be much, however it is significant. And still there is a third report which in my opinion is more informative and suggestive: "The researchers believe dates on the walls represent astronomical cycles of Mars, Venus, and lunar eclipses for 7,000 years. That suggests Mayans had computed the sky’s events hundreds of years before their now-famous Codices, the hieroglyphic manuscripts that record the civilization’s history and chronicles. The oldest of the codices was written about 1300, according to the report." http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-05-10/earliest-known-mayan-calendar-found-in-guatemalan-house.html Earliest Known Mayan Calendar Found in Guatemalan House My emphasis added We have to consider some important factors. One such factor is that this discovery focuses only on Mars, Venus and the lunar eclipses but there may be some other discoveries from information on the other planets. A second factor is that the Mayans had astronomical tables for thousands of years, and a third factor is that during their conquest the Spaniards destroyed most of the ancient Mesoamerican books and we now only have a few Codices left. It is good for the article to quote a famous astronomer giving his point of view: “It’s like the odometer of a car, with the Maya calendar rolling over from the 120,000s to 130,000,” said Anthony Aveni, professor of astronomy and anthropology at Colgate University and coauthor of the paper, in the statement.” This is interesting because it suggests that the Maya considered the 25,920 year cycle of the Precession and the 41,000 year cycle of the Obliquity. Oldest Gnomon found Scholars have reported on the oldest gnomon found in China dated 165 BC as follows: "The gnomon with template is a typical instrument used by ancient Chinese astronomer in determining the advent of different seasons with the gnomon shadows cast on the template by the midday sun. It consists of a vertical pole and a level template laid in south-north direction at the foot of the pole. The gnomon with template from the tomb of XIAHOU Zao has two symmetric and foldable parts. As being fully set up in the south-north direction, the midday sun will cast the shadow of a vertical tablet in the northern half onto three fixed positions on the template respectively on the days of the Summer Solstice, the Vernal/Autumnal Equinoxes, and the Winter Solstice." http://en.ustc.edu.cn/news/201205/t20120502_134418.html Oldest Extant Astronomical Measuring Instruments Discovered in China My emphasis added. For the ancients the Solstices and the Equinoxes were very important to monitor the Obliquity and the Precession respectively. In our moder system of education we have lost the key that the ancients had and therefore we cannot appreciate the full value of the instruments or knowledge that they had. The Precession for example was known by the ancient cultures whereas we started to appreciate it only recently, however it has been used by Vedic astrology for over 5,000 years. The Precession is what is known as the ayanamsa in Vedic astrology and it is known to shape human history. More about this later. Not much is known about the obliquity yet but it has started to call the attention of some scholars. According to this report it is the oldest instrument found, which suggests that there may be other similar older instruments. Natabara Das, 22/5/12 The Solar Eclipse of 20 May 2012 We are at the end of the Mayan calendar and therefore at a very important point in history because the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn (the Obliquity) is going to change bandwidth. Most people believe that the Mayan calendar is going to change this year on 21 December but it has been found that a correction is needed and in reality it is going to end on 23 December 2012. One important reason for correcting the calendar is the knowledge of the portals or those special days which are like doors to other dimensions. There are 52 portals in each Maya month that had 13 weeks of 20 days each. And it so happens that on 20 May 2012 there is going to be a solar eclipse when the Sun and the Moon will be together at 6°19 of sidereal Taurus. By “coincidence” this solar eclipse happens very close to the star Alcyone which is at 6°08 Taurus. But why at “the end of the days” does this solar eclipse happen close to Alcyone? Alcyone is known in India as Krittika or the 'Fire Star' or 'The Star of the Fire Making' and it is ruled by Agni the demigod in charge of fire. Alcyone was used by Mesoamerican people to start the New Fire Ceremony once every 52 years when Alcyone was opposite the Sun. The last Fire Ceremony celebrated in Mexico was in 1507 and after that the Spaniards banned it. One could ask why this star is linked to fire in India and in Mexico? And why there is a solar eclipse this year close to this star? But the main surprise is that when correcting the Mayan calendar one can see that the eclipse happens very close to a portal. Among Christians the kingfisher is very emblematic and in Greek mythology Alcyone is connected to the kingfisher. In essence it seems that fire and Agni is more relevant with this star and I found this interesting quote: “Agni is conceived in three planes – physical, mental and spiritual. Krittika in Mesa (Aries)(Tama Guna) represents physical creative force. Krittika in Vrisha(Taurus)(Raja Guna) represents the function of Agni (creative faculty) in mental plane.” Astrology And Jyotirvidya by Viswanath Deva Sarma (1973) p.298 (My emphasis added, and the Gunas are the modes of Nature which are 3; Satva Guna related to peace and kindness, Satva Guna related to passion and creation, and Tama Guna related to ignorance or darkness). In this case the solar eclipse in the sign of Taurus is telling us that the creative faculties are going to be more relevant. Here there is the link to see the last Tzolkin of the present Mayan calendar: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/22918117/Tzolkin%202012.pdf Natabara Das, 10/05/2012 ![]() Rahu owns Virgo “One cannot prepare a critique without being one whose heart is in tune with the writer and is at the same time wavelength. He first lifts himself to the level of the thinking of the author whose work he is preparing to analyse critically. Without gauging his mind, justice cannot be done to him. It is first necessary to know what he thinks, under what circumstances and in what mental state he writes.”---Professor Satya Vrat Shastri The above quote is from the leading Sanskrit expert in the world today. When we read a book we should follow the above guidelines. When I started to study Vedic astrology all the standard books were saying that Rahu and Ketu are just shadows or mathematical points and as such do not have any sign in their own. And I did not question this rule. However, at the same time there is another basic rule that planets should be studied according to their ownership, location, aspects, interactions, etc. In fact when reading “What the Stars Foretell” by “Jupiter” (Second edition 1967) the ownership of the houses by the planets are very important specially during their dasas or main periods. In practice all reference given by a planet should be studied to asses the trends and the guidelines given by Jupiter are very useful and practical. Let us quote him: How the Effects are realised We have studied the results of planetary periods due to their natural governance over certain affairs, due to the ownership of certain houses and lastly due to their position in certain houses of the horoscope. We should know when these results are realised so that correct applications may be made. The following rules may be applied in timing the events. 1. Planets in their main periods, sub-periods and inter-periods produce benefic or malefic results pertaining to their natural affairs, according as they are benefic or malefic towards the native. 2. They produce results pertaining to their ownership of housesin the horoscope during their Main periodsonly. 3. They produce results due to their occupation and aspect towards certain houses during the course of their sub-periods only. 4. They produce results pertaining to the house they occupy reckoned from the sub-lord during their inter-period.” p120 (My emphasis added). Thus for many years I struggled when reading the main periods of Rahu and Ketu because according to the main rule they do not own any sign but only naksatras or constellations. However, some years later I came across a very interesting book in which I read that Rahu and Ketu rule signs and the author was one of the best astrologers of the XX century quoting as the highest source Parasara Muni. He wrote: Question: Rahu and Ketu are supposed to own no signs but Rahu has been given Virgo. What is your authority on the subject? Answer: Parasara gives the sign 'Virgo' to Rahu. Most of the ancient authors, of Saravali, Jataka Parijata, Jyotish Thathwa, Bhavakuthuhala etc., agree in assigning Virgo to Rahu though they differ in uchcha rasis. Ketu is the Lord of Pisces Rasi.” A Catechism of Astrology, (Vol. 1) Dr. B.V. Raman (1983) p.81 [My note. The Sanskrit word uchcha means exalted.] After reading this rule my readings of the periods of Rahu and Ketu became easier and thus gave me a different perspective. 8/6/12
Sodasavargas Why Did Russia Ban The Use Of Microwave Ovens? I am working now on 14 Nobel Prize Winners. Of them two i had to correct from my collection their time zone from LMT as i had it to 0 GMT as Rodden says. I got engrossed in the work and think in the potential of this study which can be used in the future by astrology students according to their interest and research. The GJ has the facility to add notes to each chart and therefore i am adding what Rodden gathered about them,. The interesting dates and events can be recorded and even perhaps recording their dasas or navamsa sub-periods. For NP winners the date of the event is easy to find because although they do not mention it it is given every 10 December. And in the process of doing this i have found some interesting specimens. Have a look at this one; Bertrand Russel. He was given the NP for literature on 10/12/1950 in his Mercury dasa Rahu sub-period. Mercury as the ruler of the 9 house gave recognition to his ideals. And Rahu exalted in the 8 gave rewarded the fruits of his research (the 8 house). Plus, his Rahu is vipat and although a vipat planet in general is destructive it can be intense as to attract an important positive event for the benefit of inspiring other souls. And for his rebellious nature we could say that it is due to his lagnadipathi (lord of his ascendant) Venus being as well the ruler of the 8 house and associating Mercury in 7 the 9 lord, forming a raja yoga that gave him influence and some kind of power. And what about Willy Brandt?: Rodden said, "Opposing Hitler from the beginning, he was a socialist who rejected communism and a West Berliner who refused to adopt neutrality. He fled to Norway in 1933 where he took citizenship but slipped back into Germany for six months in 1936 to work against Hitler. He then went to Spain as an SPD observer in the civil war. When Norway was overrun by the Germans in WW II, Brandt was imprisoned for a month, then released." For this chart I was disappointed to see that his NP was given in his RaKe (dasa and bukti) when both of those planets are not strong in his chart. But when i called the navamsa chart things are clearer as the Moon is exalted in the 7 with Rahu exalted and opposite exalted Ketu. As for his rebellious nature Jupiter as lagnadipathi is vargottama in 10 house in Sagittarius (own house) and furthermore is the atmakaraka. His prison experience is due to having Rahu in the 12. The main point of describing astrology is to show its scientific accuracy and importance like in this case. However, this is the objective point of view. From the subjective plane we can see that Bertrand Russel was in his Sagittarius navamsa sub-period when achieving his NP and this being his 12 house having lagnadipati navamsa Saturn. Precession Obliquity and Electricity That is why Einstein produced his theory of relativity, which was relative to what cosmologists told him at the time (but they were wrong and so his theory was relative to their misconception). But now that the Precession is at 6 degrees of Pisces we need a few Einsteins to have a new model of the universe. And the Lord has his plan. In regard to the correct ayanamsa, in my opinion the Lahiri's ayanamsa is the best for the time being until another adjustment is done, but at the same time i am aware that so far there are about 75 ayanamsas, from Cheiro, Jung, Raman, Lahiri, etc and all are correct according to the dimension in which the follower wants to be according to nature. After all we are living in a multi-dimensional universe. However, what Lahiri did was to just calibrate and verify a few ayanamsas which were already around his time. I have heard that Bhaktissidhanta Sarasvati used what was later known as Lahiri's but i cannot probe it yet. At age 12 he was expert in jyotish and defeated in a debate the then top jyotishi, suggesting that he was following an accurate ayanamsa. I have using the Lahiri's ayanamsa since 1976 when i saw the need to decide to which ayanamsa i had to translate my collection of western horoscopes. At the time the main contenders to me were Raman's and Lahiri's ayanamsas. I knew western astrology since 1970 and with Raman's ayanamsa my ascendant was Libra which could have made me a musician and indeed i studied and was attracted to play the guitar but not for long as i was more attracted to books (architecture). But my Moon could have been in the 8 house, which then again could explain my attraction to occult sciences, but my Mercury in Gemini in the 9 house could have made me a gyani rather than a bhakta. And the Lahiri's ayanamsa had my Moon exalted and vargottama in the 9 and therefore appealing to my devotional intelligence. And the more i have been working on the Lahiri's ayanamsa the more i have seen it working. This past week alone i fell into the importance of the askavedamsas which i had not seen much before. And they made sense to me. In the info given below i did not add the askavedamsa cycle which started on 9 July 1675 when the Precession entered the Aries askavedamsa. Somehow, from this January i departed from my studies on the rasi or horoscope to explore the navamsas and the askavedamsas. With the Lahiri's ayanamsa we can trace the progression of the natal Moon across the naksatras or constellations, a process or progression that shows the dasas or main planetary periods for every one. Each constellation is ruled by one planet and therefore we have the main planetary periods. But according to the vimshottari system each period is divided into 9 sub-periods, and these each into 9 sub-sub-periods. In this way we get the dasas, the buktis and the antaras. But by extrapolation we can calculate the navamsa sub-periods, and the askavedamsa sub-sub-periods, because these amsas fit well (exactly) with the 13°20 arc of each constellation. Having understood that we can trace the Precession across the askavedamsas. From 18 June 1436 to 9 August 1484 the Precession was crossing the askavedamsa of Leo, the royal sign that represents the conscience. At that time Sri Advaita and Haridas Thakura who are Lord Shiva and Lord Brahma saw that the world needed to fix its conscience and prayed for the Lord to appear. The Precession crosses one askavedamsa in about 48 years and on 9 August 1484 it entered the askavedamsa of Cancer. If Leo is the conscience or awareness Cancer is the bhava, the feeling. And Radha is the possessor of all the mahabhavas. And it happens that Lord Chaitanya appeared when the Precessiojn was in the Cancer askavedamsa. Something like that. We do not know much yet about the askavedamsas but we can learn by observation. For example, why Lord Chaitanya has Mars in the askavedamsa of Leo in the 4 house? Mars according to Parasara Muni is Lord Nirishimha, the royal lion, and according to Narada Muni Mars represents the deha, thus suggesting that the Lord appeared to benefit our conscience. And this explains as well why Srila Prabhupada appeared soon after the Precession entered in the Leo navamsa from October 1962. But by following this line of thinking one can focus on the fact that the Precession is in the Leo askavedamsa from 10 December 2009, indicating the next stage in Krishna conscience. Prejudices, miscalculation, a feeling of guilt, mental baggages, etc are a burden to develop KC and the sincere seeker should concentrate on the positive as everything happens for a reason revealed in the end. And in regard to the department of palmistry, the left hand shows the navamsa and the right shows the rasi. And thank you very much for sending me the grace from the angels which is much appreciated. Natabara Das, 17-04-2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iky2k8MtMno&feature=youtu.be When Planets Gave Birth to Comets Our present model of the universe is old (since Copernicus time) and young (XX century), but in the evolution of awareness we are at the door of a new model of the universe. Around the times of Copernicus there was a turmoil in society seen by those wanting to stick to the old models and the ones wanting to move forwards with the model presented by Copernicus. In a similar way we are now at the dawn of a new Era and e can see those wanting to stick to the old model and those wanting to move forwrds. The implications of a new model of the universe is huge and is going to affect every science. Computers were unknown 50 years ago and now they are familiar to new generations and are helping the change in society. A new model of the universe will also change our thinking. It pays off to start to become familiar with an electric universe to understand sciences. Astrology is a science and electricity plays a very important role in the understanding of the planetary influence. Parasara Muni gathered some 5,000 years ago some of the astrology systems that existed in Dwapara Yuga expecting us to crack their code and further advance their message and functions. Two very important systems can be seen from his Parasara Hora book; the system of planetary Horas, and the sodasavarga system. Both of those systems are electric in nature. The 7 traditional Hours or Horas are magnetic (the ones for Venus and the Moon), electric (the ones for the Sun, Mars, and Jupiter), and neutral (the ones for Mercury and Saturn). The sodasavargas system is about the sky divided by 16 (sodasa) divisions or wires (vargas). Every building in modern society is connected with wires that carry electricity, telephone lines, etc. The vargas are like different wires that carry currents that affect us. When the Precession entered the sign of Pisces from Aries (in a backward or retrograde motion) in the year 285 it crossed 16 vargas or divisions, and not only one (a sign of the zodiac) as we are adjusted to think. From the electric sign of Aries the Precession crossed to the magnetic sign of Pisces where is going to be for 2,160 years. But when considering the other vargas or divisions in the sky we can appreciate how the Precession crossed also many electric and magnetic fields. In importance after the 12 signs of the zodiac we see the 108 navamsas having each 3 degrees 20 minutes in arc. Four of these navamsas called as well padas make a naksatra or constellation. In this way the Precession crossed one constellation or 4 navamsas in 960 years. In this way from the year 285 the Precession crossed the navamsas of Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, and Sagittarius. And around 1245 it entered into the constellation 26 and the navamsa of Scorpio. The constellation 27 is ruled by Mercury and constellation 26 is ruled by Saturn. Around the year 1485 the Precession entered into the navamsa of Libra where it was for some 240 years. The sign of Libra is connected to trade and around that time the whole planet became linked with trade. On 23 December 1723 the Precession entered into a new drekana,navamsa, dwadasamsa, chaturvimsamsa, bhamsa, askavedamsa, and sastyamsa. That was 7 divisions out of 16. When the Precession crosses a single division there are some changes in society especially at generation level, but the more amsas or vargas are crossed the more drastic changes we see around. In that date the Precession entered into the Virgo navamsa, and in October 1962 the Precession entered the navamsa of Leo. Leo represents the conscience and conscience is awareness. In the following years there was a drastic change in society specially because the Precession crossed a navamsa, a bhamsa, and an askavedamsa at the same time. Or in other words 3 vargas were crossed. On 10 December 2009 the Precession crossed 5 vargas or divisions; a dasamsa, visamsa, kavedamsa, askavedamsa, and sastyamsa. In other words, because the Precession crossed 5 new amsas we should expect drastic changes in society very soon and they are already happening. The ancients used to observe the Precession at the equinoxes like seen at Chichen Itza http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQsqpG0XN0g and the Obliquity at the solstices like at New Grange http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngADMns8W78&feature=related Actually in the video above the presenter misses the most important thing that the site was built for our present. Most ancient sites like this were built for the 2012 solstice because the obliquity is going to change of band which the Maya calendar calls a sun. We practically started to become aware of the Precession when studying Vedic astrology in the 70's, but we still do not know much about the Obliquity. Considering that the Precession changed to 5 different amsas in Pisces on 10 December 2009, and that the Obliquity is going to change band on 23 December 2012 it means a drastic change is society. This equation of the Precession at this point happens once in 25,920 years but ion the last times that it happened we were in Dwapara Yuga, and so this is the first time that happens in Kali Yuga. And also, the last time when the Obliquity reached its present point was 41,000 years ago. Thus, the mathematical probability of seeing this present situation happens perhaps once in a million years time. Do you see now the importance? Below there is a nice video to get familiar to the electric universe. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFcNHHxSFl4&feature=relmfu Have a nice weekend. Natabara, 11-3-2012
The Sanskrit name for the PGA was composed by HONORARY PATRON Prof. Dr. Satya Vrat Shastri, Padma Shri |