Gemstone Conflicts
Sri Navaratna – as a Navagraha Yantra – is a compatible balance of all the 9 gems

As the Sun is incompatible with Saturn, Venus, Rahu and Ketu, Sun gems such as ruby should not be used with blue sapphire, diamond, hessonite or cat’s eye.

As the Moon is incompatible with Rahu and Ketu, Moon gems such as pearl should not be used with hessonite or cat’s-eye.

As Jupiter is incompatible with Mercury and Venus, Jupiter gems such as yellow sapphire should not be used with emerald or diamond.

As Rahu (Moon’s north node) is incompatible with Sun and Moon, Rahu gems such as hessonite should not be used with ruby or pearl.

As Mercury is incompatible with the Moon, Mercury gems such as emerald should not be used with pearl or moonstone.

As Venus is incompatible with the Sun and Moon, diamonds and other colorless gems should not be used with rubies or pearls.

As Ketu (Moon’s south node) is incompatible with Sun and Moon, cat’s eye gems should not be used with rubies or pearls.

As Saturn is incompatible with Sun, Moon and Mars, Saturn gems such as blue sapphire should not be used with ruby, pearl or red coral.

As Mars is incompatible with Mercury and Saturn , Mars gems like red coral should not be used with emerald or blue sapphires.
Ref. ©1995 Ancient Astrological Gemstones & Talismans
The Sanskrit name for the PGA was composed by HONORARY PATRON Prof. Dr. Satya Vrat Shastri, Padma Sri