Institute of Planetary Gemology

Below are some bona fide and FREE “INFO LINKS” which constitute the PGA’s course.
New information will also be added to the Info Links along with associated questions & answers.
INTRODUCTION ©1995 Ancient Astrological Gemstones & Talismans
SIDEREAL ASTROLOGY ©1995 Ancient Astrological Gemstones & Talismans
WHAT IS VEDIC ASTROLOGY – ©by Shyamasundara Dasa
BIRTHSTONES ©1995 Ancient Astrological Gemstones & Talismans
GEMSTONE POWERS ©1995 Ancient Astrological Gemstones & Talismans
GEMSTONE CLARITY ©1995 Ancient Astrological Gemstones & Talismans
HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR PLANETARY GEM ©1995 Ancient Astrological Gemstones & Talismans
Jyotish Gem Powers (At a glance) by Das Goravani
ANCIENT VEDIC GEM LORE ©1995 Ancient Astrological Gemstones & Talismans
MODERN GEMOLOGICAL DATA ©1995 Ancient Astrological Gemstones & Talismans
GEMSTONE NARRATIVES ©1995 Ancient Astrological Gemstones & Talismans
CRYSTALS ©1995 Ancient Astrological Gemstones & Talismans
Explanation of Pratikul / Anukul Gem Choosing ©2001 by Howard Beckman
GEM THERAPY ©2000 Vibrational Healing with Gems by Howard Beckman
RATNA-ARPANA – Donating gems to appease harmful (pratikul) planets ©2000 R. Brown
PLANETARY MANTRAS, CHARITY & FASTING ©1995 Ancient Astrological Gemstones & Talismans
GEMSTONE COLOR & CLARITY ©1996 by Richard S. Brown
NATURAL (JYOTISH) PEARLS ©1996 by Richard S. Brown
The “Other” Pearls ©1996 by Richard S. Brown
THE PLANETARY HERBS ©1974 Information and samples courtesy of the Nepal Ayurveda Association
Sri Shalagram Shila – ©1995 Ancient Astrological Gemstones & Talismans
Sri Shalagram Shila-II: ©2001 Sri Shaligram Tirtha Pradarshini – NEW SITE ON SACRED STONES
Sri Kailasa Shila : ©1996 by Richard S. Brown
Bibliography ©1995 Ancient Astrological Gemstones & Talismans