The Planetary Herbs
for use in Astral Talismans after being ritually prepared as “bhasma” or sanctified ashes
Information and herb samples are courtesy of the Nepal Ayurveda Association
A Kavacha or “talisman” is not only the gem, which represents the earth element. A real Astral Talisman is composed of all 5 elements, i.e., gem for earth, herb for water, metal for fire, symbol for air, and cosmic number for space. This process of “Pancha-amrita” astral talisman making is the most bona fide. Even the Western alchemists are known to use herbs as the “water” ingredient in an Astral Talismans. These herbs have been ritually turned into “bhasma” or sanctified ashes. Therefore, one may understand that the gem alone is not the complete kavacha or talisman, the gems are only for one of five elements, viz., earth
The philosopher Agrippa has nicely described in Three Books of Occult Philosophy the basic preparation of astrological rings as follows:
“When any star ascends fortunately we must take a stone and HERB that is under that star, and make a ring of the metal that is suitable to this star, and in it fasten the stone, putting the herb or root under it, not omitting the inscriptions of images, names and characters, as also the proper suffumigations.”
In 1974 Dr. Mana Vajracharya, Chairman of the Nepal Ayurveda Association, informed us which are the ancient bona fide “bhasma” herbs for each planet. He prepared nine different herbal bhasmas which should be sealed into tubes that are part of a jewelry talisman. It took one week for the Dr. to prepare the 9 herbs and transform them into ashes or Bhasma. At that time he also provided rare samples of the actual herbs. We witnessed part of the process which involves indirect fire to heat the herb until is stops smoking and has transformed entirely into ash. Planetary mantras are recited during this heating process.
All nine herbs are available in Nepal (Himalaya) and some are quite rare even in India where they sometimes substitute because of lack of the actual herb). —Respectfully submitted by the Richard Shaw Brown.

Herb of the Sun
Influence of Milk Weed or Arka-bhasma
If Sun is well placed in the horoscope:
The influence will be toward nobility, dignity, power, leadership and confidence. One will be well-read, pious, strong, compassionate and untroubled.
If Sun is ill placed in the horoscope:
The influence will be toward low self esteem & energy, lack of confidence, rebellious, i.e., negative results may be expected.

Herb of the Moon
Influence of Butia Frandosa or Palasa-bhasma
If Moon is well placed in the horoscope:
The influence will be toward sensitivity, good habits, stability and health. One will be wealthy, industrious and respected.
If Moon is ill placed in the horoscope:
The influence will be toward depression, overreaction, hypersensitivity and stress, i.e., negative results may be expected.

Herb of Mars
Influence of Couch Plant or Khadira-bhasma
If Mars is well placed in the horoscope:
The influence will be toward positive energy, strength, courage, passion, and aggression. One will be active, have great energy, be learned, well-known and regal.
If Mars is ill-placed in the horoscope:
The influence will be toward anger, irritability, instability, impatience, and aggression. One becomes prone to violence and physical problems such as high blood pressure, anemia, and impurities in the blood.

Herb of Mercury
Influence of Achyranthes or Apamarga-bhasma
If Mercury is well placed in the horoscope:
The influence will be toward being rationality, wit, skillfulness and dexterity. One will be educated, happy, fortunate and highly respected.
If Mercury is ill placed in the horoscope:
The influence will be toward aloofness, lack of concentration, difficulty with communications, and slowness. One becomes prone to speech and hearing impediments, deceptive behavior, and lack of vitality.

Herb of Jupiter
Influence of Ficus Religiosa or Pippala-bhasma
If Jupiter is well placed in the horoscope:
The influence will be toward humanitarianism, caring, spiritualism, optimism, faith and good judgment. One will be powerful, respected, and a leader of men, although susceptible to anger.
If Jupiter is ill-placed in the horoscope:
The influence will be toward being greedy, uncaring, selfish, negative outlook, personal unhappiness, egotism, selfishness and sloth. One will be uncaring and unhappy.

Herb of Venus
Influence of Ficus Glomerata or Audumbara-bhasma
If Venus is well placed in the horoscope:
The influence will be toward attractiveness, refinement, grace, elegance and longevity. One will be refined, humanitarian, and possess many positive qualities.
If Venus is ill-placed in the horoscope:
The influence will be toward vanity, lewdness, sensual corruption, lack of taste and refinement. One becomes vulnerable to loss of libido, impotence, sterility, and premature aging.

Herb of Saturn
Influence of Prosopis or Shami-bhasma
If Saturn is well placed in the horoscope:
The influence will be toward discipline, responsibility, realism, durability and humility. One will be long-lived, charitable, proficient and an affectionate mate.
If Saturn is ill placed in the horoscope:
The influence will be toward depression, anxiety, fear, loneliness and disappointment. One becomes vulnerable to headaches, neuralgia, and other disorders of the nervous system.

Herb of Rahu
Influence of Cynodon Dactylon or Durva-bhasma
If Rahu is well placed in the horoscope:
The influence will be toward originality, inspiration, insight and uniqueness. One will be exotic, wealthy and fortunate.
If Rahu is ill placed in the horoscope:
The influence will be toward mental disease, addiction, illusion, and trouble. One will have a volatile nature, and a tendency to suffer from fear and suicidal impulses.

Herb of Ketu
Influence of Sacrificial Grass or Kusa-bhasma
If Ketu is well placed in the horoscope:
The influence will be toward spiritualism, intuition, universality, subtleness and sensitivity. One will be wealthy and protected from evil.
If Ketu is ill placed in the horoscope:
The influence will be toward eccentricity, explosiveness, fanaticism and emotional problems. One becomes prone to compulsive gambling and fatal diseases such as cancer.
NOTE: Nine herb photographs by Astral Gemstone Talismans ©2000 All Rights Reserved
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