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Tsunami: Pluto into Sagittarius

By Natabara Das

At the end of last year there was a powerful tsunami in Asia that killed more than 150,000 people in 12 countries. According to the news the cause of the tsunami was a powerful earthquake, which registered from 6.4 or 9.0 on the Ritcher scale depending on the source.

In astrology we can link that event to Pluto who rules earthquakes, volcano eruptions, or anything connected with the earth and Neptune who rules anything connected to the sea.

Pluto is the planet of Lord Yamaraja, the superintendent of Death and Neptune is the planet of Lord Varuna, the demigod of the sea.

The Gods use the planets as vehicles in the service of the Supreme Lord.

People with a low understanding blame God for being the "worst terrorist" when in fact God has nothing to do directly with this material world. According to the desires of the soul the soul gets a suitable body that has a determined amount of longevity. No body can live beyond the length of time given to it. For anybody who has been born, death is waiting, and sooner or later the soul experiences so called death, and a new reincarnation in heaven, hell or between happens under the supervision of higher authorities called Gods.

There is a song that says, „Everything is in the lap of the Gods‰. From our conditioned situation we may discriminate between what is good and what is bad but from a higher platform everything happens for a very good reason, it is just a matter of adjusting our understanding of things.

Of course, we feel very sad when someone dies because we have a heart and only heartless people do not care about the death or accident of someone, but we have to consider that there are invisible personalities taking care of every soul.

In Vedic astrology we learn about the behaviour of nine planets but we can extend that learning to the Outer planets, or the planets that are beyond Saturn, ie.Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

The Outer planets should not be used in a mechanical way or in everyday readings but should be seen as indicating trends in generations.

Pluto is the residence of lord Yamaraja and is connected to earthquakes, Neptune is the residence of lord Varuna, and Uranus is the residence of Indra and is connected to storms, rains and winds.

We can read from the Srimad Bhagavatam how Indra sent heavy winds and rain for seven days to chastise the inhabitants of Vrindavan and in the end Indra realised his mistake and came down to earth to ask for the forgiveness of Lord Krishna.

To the question of how the weather will be in the near future, we can reply that astrologically we expect the weather to get worse before it gets better.

Somehow the Mayas received credit for finding a solar cycle of more than 5,000 years. This will end on 21 December 2012. The Hopi Indians and many other ancient tribes agree that we are at the end of an era and the Mayas predict that at the end of this present solar cycle the weather will be bad.

Conspiracy theories may say that some earthquakes, tsunamis and weather patterns are already man-made but from a higher platform it is possible to see that every action is under the control of higher authorities and in the end everything is going to be all right.

Astrologically we can see that Pluto is going to enter Sagittarius on 8 February 2005. Pluto enters Sagittarius every 248 years, meaning that Pluto in 2005 will enter Sagittarius for the 21st time since Kali Yuga started in the year 3,102 BC and for the 6th time since the ayanamsa entered the sign of Pisces in the year 285 AC.

The ayanamsa is the difference between the terrestrial and the celestial skies, which moves at a rate of 72 years per degree of arc or 2,160 years per sign or 25,920 years for all 12 signs of the zodiac, or what Plato referred to as the Great Year.

Every year the sun travels through the 12 signs of the zodiac and it gets a different quality relating to the sign crossed every month. From this we can get the idea that every sign is powerful enough as to change the quality of the sun every month and as to trigger changes on Earth.

Scientists know about the power each sign can have even to their radiocarbon readings as you can see in the following quotation:

"Before 800 BC, the tree-rings showed that its rings showed that its wood was older than the radiocarbon date it gave. This error increased in tests on older wood to a point where tree-rings of 5200 BC gave radiocarbon dates of only 4200 BC. The reason for the error was found to be that the proportion of radiocarbon in the earth‚s atmosphere, previously assumed to be constant, has varied over the millennia as the earth‚s axis tilted; radiocarbon originates from a bombardment of the earth‚s by atoms beyond the solar system, and the tilt of the axis permits varying amounts to enter the atmosphere at different periods. Correction or calibration tables were published and, as with the announcements of the first radiocarbon dates themselves, these calibrated dates showed that the megalithic cultures of western Europe were much older than archaeologists had previously thought. Ideas that they were influenced by old stone structures in the eastern Mediterranean and farther east ˆ which could be dated from written records ˆ had to be abandoned."

P8-9 The Standing Stones of Europe by Alastair Service and Jean Bradbery

The ayanamsa in its backward motion entered Pisces in 285 AC. Adding 2,160 years we see that the ayanamsa entered the sign of Aries in 1,875 BC and the sign of Taurus in 4,035 BC. Adding another 2,160 years to this date we get 6,195 BC for the entry of the ayanamsa into the sign of Gemini.

Kali Yuga started on 18 February 3,102 BC. This means that when Kali yuga started the ayanamsa was in the sign of Taurus.

We expect Pluto and the other planets to deliver a different energy in every sign of the zodiac and under the influence of the ayanamsa in different signs (as with the problem of carbon reading where the amount of atoms falling on earth from the cosmos was found to be variable and not constant), and in different Yugas.

In other words, Pluto is likely to work in different ways in Dwapara Yuga (the previous Yuga) than in this Kali Yuga (the present Yuga), and also when the ayanamsa was in Gemini, Taurus, Aries and the present age of Pisces.

Yamaraja is known as Lord Yamaraja, or Lord of Death, a suitable name when Pluto is crossing the sign of Scorpio, or the sign of death. But he is also known as Lord Dharmaraja, or Lord of dharma (virtues, duties, religion), a suitable name when crossing the sign of Sagittarius, the sign of dharma.

What is more, we can see that the Milky Way, known in many cultures under different names, crosses between Scorpio and Sagittarius and between the opposite signs Taurus and Gemini. We could say that the Milky Way crosses the last navamsa of Scorpio and Taurus. This means that this January 2005, Pluto is in the last navamsa of Taurus, crossing (or swimming) the Milky Way, and on 8 February 2005 Pluto will enter Sagittarius on firm land.

On 28 January 2005, the planet Mars is going to be in conjunction with Pluto at 29°42 of Scorpio. Mars indicates war or violence and Pluto indicates transformation, not forgetting that the horoscope for the 54th presidential inauguration on 20 January 2000 has the Moon and Pluto in Scorpio in the 8th house. It seems with this conjunction that the harvest of what was planted during this presidential period will begin in a more open view. Karma means a reaction to any action and the planets are only indicating the material trends programmed by material desires.

19 January 2005

Natabara das

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